Thursday, January 26, 2012

Proud – prouder – atomic-sized-explosion-proud….

We all have our proud moments, those memories, when being thought of, still makes your heart go all warm, fussy and mushy.  If I had to look back and just name a few, it most probably would be the following :
  • When I got my drivers licence first time;
  • My engagement;
  • (Obviously) my wedding day;
  • Confirmation of my pregnancies;
  • Hanco’s birth, that first little cry, a cry that confirmed that I was blessed with the title “Mother”;
  • Same with Zhané’s birth, hearing her cry for the first time, being reminded that my blessings are countless
  • Watching my kids reach all their milestones;

Those are just to name a few, but today was another one that I can add to my list.  Hanco took part in his very first athletics event; he ran the 60m as well as the 80m. 

But today was kind off bitter sweet for me as a mother, on the one hand, I was extremely proud of him, so proud that my chest literally pained from it, but on the other hand, I could not be there to support him, to stand next to the field and shout and cheer for him, to scoop him in my arms as he ran over the finish line, hug and kiss him, congratulate him and tell him just how very proud I am of him. 
This is just one of the few sad realisations of being a working-mom, cause you miss out on so many things.  Other people get to share precious moments with your kids, moments that you as mother was suppose to share with them.  And all of this just because I made the decision to be a working mom, to enable me to provide for them to the best of my financial ability, to provide them with good and reliable health care, good education, to pave their ways to a good, stable future.
But there are days where I long for the freedom of being a stay-at-home mom, the flexibility thereof, and the opportunity one gets to share in those cherished moments.
At least I got a photo or two of Hanco participating in today’s athletics, which sort-off somehow made me feel like I was almost there….
So, what are a few of your proudest moments? 

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