Thursday, January 26, 2012

Taking the Challenge…

These last couple of days was a bit challenging to me, as wife as well as mother….

I have been on an emotional roller coaster of note, loosing control and dropping the balls on every twist, turn and bend of the roller coaster.  The more I try mending things, the more holes I find.

We have noticed a slight change in Hanco’s behaviour, as if he is a little bit more spiteful and on purpose, we have had some tears and snots as he refused to go to school, as the new teacher is a bit more strict with the kids as what H is used to, and I think emotionally he is struggling a bit with all of this, and the current situation at home is also not helping to improve things.  Zhané has turned into a little “attention-seeking-troll”, requiring more and more, and the more she gets, the more she wants, and beware of depriving her of said attention…man, things tend to turn ugly!  Unfortunately, Hanco pulls on the shortest end of this rope, cause it is easier to allow him to watch an animated movie while I tend to tantrum-troll than try and find an equal balance between the two.

But then, strangely, I get a e-mail from my sister, who was having a bit of a downer herself, and as I typed e-mail after a-mail, loading each with a few sentences filled with elderly-sister-advice, I think somehow, my own advice made me feel better in a small kind off way.

Maybe I should realise that things do not always go as we plan them, yes sometimes we are forced to take the road less travelled, but we have to remember…it’s not over till the fat lady sings, and lucky for me, this fat lady can not sing to save her life.

Sometimes we must just fight a little harder, try one more time, cause there are things in life that’s worth fighting for

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